Bastani Parizi and Social History in Ḵātun-e Haftqal’a
To find the origin of the word doḵtar in many monuments including towers, castles, and minarets we go to “Ḵātun-e Haftqal’a” (the lady of seven castles) of Dr. Muhammad Ebrahim Bastani Parizi has provided the most plausible answer to this question. “Ḵātun-e Haftqal’a” includes many…
Minority Religions in: The Fire, the Star and the Cross
The book “The Fire, the Star and the Cross, Minority Religions in Medieval and early modern Iran” offers a comprehensive discussion of the cultural, economic, and political achievements of religious groups that resisted assimilation to Islam in the Middle East. The period under study begins…
The Ocean of Letters: A Surfing Glance at Hurufism
Fatih Usluer the Associate Professor of History at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara argues the idea of Hurufism in his recent book “Hurufi” published in 2014. He presents some core points of his book in the lecture “The Ocean of Letters: A Surfing…
Paucity of Accounts of Daily Life in the Iranian Medieval Times
One of the basic problems of doing research on the Iranian Medieval Times is the paucity of detailed accounts of daily life. Regarding the fact that these accounts including itineraries, historical and literary books as well as religious and legal sources constitute the basis of…